Silence is silver, 2015

Pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

100 x 116 cm


ville andersson



ville andersson



ville andersson

Silence is silver, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

100 x 116 cm



















ville andersson









Vision, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

100 x 138 cm





ville andersson

ville andersson

Heartbeat, 2015

ink & pencil on paper

42 x 36 cm







Mirage, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic












Growth, 2016

ink & pencil on paper

30 x 21 cm




ville andersson


A view from a castle in the air, 2015

ink & pencil on paper

30 x 21 cm







A view from a castle in the air, 2015

ink & pencil on paper

30 x 21 cm





























acrylic on canvas







There is a crack in everything, 2015

ink & pencil on paper

110 x 110 cm









Slow is in my blood, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

70 x 48 cm






That's how the light gets in, 2015

ink & pencil on paper

110 x 110 cm






























ville andersson


Pictures of You, 2015

pencil on paper

30 x 21 cm








pencil on paper



ville an










Cloud, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic





















ville andersson

ville andersson



Potential, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

100 x 138 cm








Potential, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

100 x 138 cm




























Conductor, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

100 x 138 cm










Dreamwalker, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

100 x 138 cm






































The pathos of things II, 2015

ink & pencil on paper

25 x 21 cm






The pathos of things I, 2015

ink & pencil on paper

25 x 21 cm





The pathos of things III, 2015

ink & pencil on paper

25 x 21 cm


















Folded I & II, 2015

acrylic on canvas

à 30 x 20 cm







Folded, 2015

acrylic on canvas

à 30 x 20 cm





Folded III & IV, 2015

acrylic on canvas

à 30 x 20 cm







Stillness in the midst of chaos, 2015

acrylic on canvas















ville andersson


ville andersson

ville andersson


Beyond chitter & chatter, 2015

Pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

100 x 138 cm






Beyond chitter & chatter, 2015

Pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

100 x 138 cm






Beyond chitter & chatter II, 2015

Pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic







The painting, 2015

Pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic







Aesthetics of solitude, 2015

pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic

50 x 35 cm









Beyond chitter & chatter III, 2015

Pigment ink print face mounted on acrylic




ville andersson

ville andersson


The rest is silence ( full of sound )








ville andersson











At Helsinki Contemporary, Bulevardi 10, 00100 Helsinki, Finland


The exhibition consists of photographs, drawings and paintings. Several of the works depict spaces: either existing, staged or fictive. Andersson has constructed and pictured miniature spaces, into which he has placed his drawings as props. The actual space of the gallery where the exhibition is hung also becomes a part of the works. The drawings and paintings have taken on new, abstract features.


Andersson is a great consumer of culture and looks for points of reference in various art genres, such as music or theatre. His starting point for the As Always, I Withdraw into the Music series was a work of literature of the same name written by Andersson himself. This is not included in the exhibition, apart from a single sentence. In adhesive lettering mounted on transparent plastic film is a quotation from Hamlet: The rest is silence. Andersson has carried this on with the words: Full of sound.


An important role in the works is played by the colour white – a colour that is both all colours and no colour. It is produced by mixing together the whole visible-light spectrum, or by bleaching and removing all pigments. The colour white is associated with many different things in different cultural and historical contexts, such as innocence, ghosts, holiness and grief.


Andersson is moved by the colourlessness of white, and by the way it has come to symbolize emptiness and silence. The starting point for a drawing is always an empty paper and its potential to be filled. Emptiness is a space in which our imagination can flow freely. Just as in a tea ceremony, a single flower in the middle of an empty room can transport the host and guests into an imaginary realm of trees in blossom.


Background noises are momentarily hushed amid the silence, and our senses are sharpened. There is no such thing as “pure” silence, and yet in the midst of it we can perceive the things around us and ourselves in tranquillity. Silence or emptiness do not mean insignificance or that something does not exist. On the contrary, emptiness is highly expressive. In traditional Chinese and Japanese painting the “empty” portion can fill two-thirds of the canvas; it is an important part of the expression.


Andersson has sought to evoke a complete, intense, felt experience that heightens our sensitivity, feelings and sensory perceptions. He uses a clear, disciplined and precise form of expression to achieve an open, nuanced end result, one that respects the viewer.






In 2015 Ville Andersson is named the Young Artist of the Year in Finland. In conjunction with the exhibitions at Helsinki Contemporary & Tampere Art Museum, a bilingual publication Ville Andersson - Young Artist of the Year - 2009-2015 is also published.


The book is designed by Ahonen & Lamberg



The book was chosen as The Book of the Year 2015 at the Antalis Design & Print Awards


The book was chosen as one of the most beautiful books of the year 2015 by the Finnish Book Art Committee


Thank you: Finnish Cultural Foundation & Art Promotion Centre Finland







READ THE ESSAY: Only White Will Remain in the End – Supplemental notes on Ville Andersson by Juha-Heikki Tihinen